Speaking of popular places to visit in Singapore, Gardens by the Bay will definitely be on the list. The garden idea started in 2006 and it's not until 2012 this park is officially commenced. Specially curated by a team of professionals, this famous garden had won several awards such as World Building of the Year, Guinness World Record and etc.

Nearest MRT: Bayfront MRT from Circle line or Downtown Line
Tickets: Purchase it directly here or consider a multiple attraction pass here

Upon exiting the MRT, we will first see one of its 12 attraction known as Dragonfly and Kingfisher Lakes. The plants act as a natural eco-filter and aquatic reeds act as filter beds; providing quality water for the aquatic life by removing excess nitrogen and phosphorus. Sometimes you may get to hear the croaking of frogs as well. The lakes may be decorated during festive season.

Dragonfly and Kingfisher Lakes during Christmas season of 2019
Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: 05:00 to 02:00 (5pm to 2am) daily


Bridge connecting to heritage gardens

Chinese Garden. Look out for the Buddha sitting under the sacred tree before you leave.

Indian Garden. Look out for the decorative motifs on the blue fence surrounding the garden. They reflect fantasies of the supposed natural origins of certain animals from plants, based on the book, Night Life of Trees.

Cross the bridge that spans across the lake, you will reach the heritage garden that is characterised by the 4 distinctive races in Singapore. Do look out for the different plants and trees between the Indian, Chinese, Malay and Colonial Garden. The sun can be a little too harsh walking through the gardens so do slap on your sunblock, with caps and/or umbrella. As you finally advance through the four gardens, you will reach the main center with Information Counter, Ticketing Counter, attractions Flower Dome, Cloud Forest and Floral Fantasy.

Admission Fee: Free
Opening Hours: 05:00 to 02:00 (5pm to 2am) daily

As a local with occasional touristy behaviour, I will always pay a visit to Flower Dome on various season. For example, if you visit during the Spring you will get to chance upon Cherry Blossom (Sakura). The theme changes throughout the year. I had personally seen the Sakura (twice cause i just love it), Tulipmania (twice too, because they are sooo beautiful at full bloom), Orchid and twice during the Christmas Poinsetta Season (Tsum Tsum Theme last year). We are planning to visit during the Sunflower season in the coming year.

Christmas in 2019
This cutesy may have escaped from the fairytale Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
Opening hours: 09:00 to 21:00 daily
Last Admission: 20:00

Cloud forest was built to achieve a mountainous height, with various vegetation and floral amidst the misty stroll. Since Singapore does not have any mountain, this is the best anyone can get coupled with a man-made waterfall that welcome you right at the entrance. Acrophobic may want to think twice about this cloud forest though. Spot those Venus flytraps amongst the moss and ferns. 

Opening hours: 9:00 to 21:00 daily
Last Admission: 20:00

Two Conservatories (Flower dome + Cloud Forest)
Foreign Visitor: $28 for adult, $15 for child.
Singapore Resident: $20 for adult, Senior citizen $15, child $12

One Conservatory (Flower dome OR Cloud Forest)
Singapore Resident: $12 for adult, senior citizen $8, child $8

Tickets: Purchase it directly here or consider a multiple attraction pass here

Floral fantasy is the latest attraction under Gardens by the Bay, showcasing approximately 3000 plants of more than 150 difference species. There are four distinctive category in the garden. In the Dance section, where you will first see upon entry, present a variety of flowering plants that dangles in a meandering fashion. As you explore your way through you will reach the three other sections,  Float, Waltz and Drift. You can also go for the Fantasy Theatre 'Flight of the Dragonfly' 4D ride at the end of the tour.

Admission Fee
Foreign visitor: $20 for adult, $12 for child
Singapore Resident: $12 for adult, $8 for child, $8 for senior citizen

When you are done admiring the flowers, take a stroll down the main center you will arrive at the supertree grove. Each supertree is made up of four major parts - Concrete core, steel trunk, planting panels and canopy. There are 18 supertrees within Gardens by the Bay and totalled comprised of more than 158000 plants of at least 700 species of plants that are suitable for vertical planting. We can easily differentiate between ferns, orchids, tropical flowering climbers and etc of different colour tones that are not commonly seen in Singapore. Out of the 18 supertrees, 11 of them were constructed with photovoltaic cells to harvest solar energy. There are 2 free Garden Rhapsody light and sound shows daily at 19:45 and 20:45. Plan your time so you can be there slightly earlier to get a good spot to catch this show.

Admission fee: Free
Opens daily: 05:00 to 02:00 (5pm to 2am)

This OCBC skywalk refers to the 128m bridge that spans along the supertrees 22meters above the ground. From here you can witness the scenic view of the surrounding flora. The skywalk tend to be more crowded approaching during the less glaring sunset view. Do make sure you are camera-ready and check out the website for an closure dates.

Opens: 09:00 to 21:00 daily.
Last admission at 20:30

Admission fee
$8 for adult and senior, $5 for child


Supertree observatory, located at the canopy of the supertree, officially opens on 27th Dec 2019. This newly opened rooftop deck allows visitor to enjoy an unblocked scenic view of Gardens by the Bay and Marina Bay. There is also a supertree observatory cafe where you can purchase some light refreshment.

Opens: 09:00 to 21:00 daily
Last admission: 20:30

Admission fee
Foreign visitor: $14 for adult, $10 for child
Singapore Resident: $10 for adult, $6 for senior and child

Attraction bundle available only at Ticketing counter at discounted rate. Check out the website for more details.

OPENING PROMOTION from 27th Dec 2019 to 5th Jan 2020.
Adult at $5, seniors and child at $3

If you have ample time, there are also other less commonly visited outdoor area such as Serene Garden, World of Plants, Sun pavilion (dryland and dessert plants), The Canyon (Rocks) and Art Sculptures. Refer to this page for more information.

Check out Marina Bay Sands, the accommodation adjacent to Gardens by the Bay.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel Sky Pool


FInd the cheapest accomodation here

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